Frequently asked questions

How do I place an order on your website?

Here's how:

  1. Choose a category from the top navigation menu or search to explore a specific style

  2. Select your desired item and click Add To Bag. Once you've added all items, it's time to checkout

  3. Sign in to your account or, if you've not yet created one, continue via guest checkout

Enter your address and delivery details to place your order. We'll confirm the order and it will be carefully prepared and sent to you, with updates every step of the way.

How can I get a better understanding on how a piece will fit?

Go to the product information page and select the Size & Fit tab to view the size, fit, cut and model measurements. You can find the material composition and care instructions on The Details tab.

What's the difference between size, fit, cut and material?
The size of an item refers to the size on the label, fit describes how the item will fit on the body, cut is the silhouette and the material describes what the item is made from. To find this information, go to the product information page.

What if my item doesn't fit?
If your item doesn't fit, you can return it within 14 days