Husky Staking

Convert you $HUSKY into $xHUSKY to earn $HUSKY passively. Additionally, you can stake your $xHUSKY to earn discounts in the Husky e-shop.

Warning: There is a penalty fee when switching from $xHUSKY to $HUSKY
Total $HUSKY staked(+20%)
% of the supply
Contract Infos
Circulating $HUSKY supply
Total $xHUSKY supply
Ratio: 1 $xHUSKY $HUSKY
Husky Leaving Penaltly5%

Brusky Account Overview

Your Balances


Husky Club Current Tier :

Next Level :

$HUSKY Balance

$HUSKY Balance

(- 0%)
$xHUSKY Balance

$xHUSKY Balance

(- 0%)
Staked $xHUSKY

Staked $xHUSKY

(- 0%)

Staked Husky

Staked xHusky